How to use the Datepicker widget:
The datepicker can be implemented as an inline datepicker or as a popup datepicker.
Inline datepickers have a separate tab stop for each control,
and a single tab stop for the date grid itself. The grid can be
navigated using the following shortcuts:
- Arrow Keys: Move up, down, left or right in the grid. If the
beginning or end of the month is reached, the grid will automatically
change to the next or previous motnh
- Enter Key: Select the currently focused day
- Home: Move focus to first day of the month
- End: Move focus to last day of the month
- Page Up: Switch to previous month
- Page Down: Switch to next month
- Alt + Page Up: Switch to previous year
- Alt + Page Down: Switch to next year
Popup date pickers have the same shortcuts as inline datepickers, plus the following shotcuts:
- Down or Up Arrow key (when text field has focus): Move focus into the expanded date grid
- Escape key (when text field has focus): Collapse the expanded date grid
- Enter (when date grid has focus): Select currently focused date, collapse the date grid and move focus back to the text field
- Escape (when date grid has focus): Collapse the date grid without making a selection and move focus back to the text field